
The twenties are a time of discovery. Terms like quarterlife crisis are common because the life lessons that we encounter during these years can cause great confusion. When I started GenPink my goal was to provide insight into many of the lessons that we experience. Since I am certainly not an expert on life, wouldn’t that be nice, I decided to have the twenty something advice series to include guest bloggers point of views in addition to my own.

Here are the previous twenty something advice posts:

If you are interested, or have any great bits of advice to share with 20somethings please leave a comment and I’ll be in touch with the details. Are you already past your twenties and know of something you wish you had known? We’d love to hear from you as well.

26 thoughts on “Advice

  1. Hi Elysa~

    I’ve been reading for awhile now, and would love to contribute to the next big project! I have some ideas, or could go with any theme. Thanks!


  2. I stumbled upon your site and I’m adding you to my blogroll (it’s growing, slowly).

    I’d love to write for you site. Especially in regards to giving advice. Let me know if you are still accepting!

  3. To say that I have some advice to give would be an understatement. I could writer the book on some of these topics. (Well, I sort of am!) Contact me if you’d like me to write something.

  4. I actually think this would be a fun site for a guest post I wrote for my blog and have decided against posting there, but want to post somewhere. It is, essentially, the best cover letter ever that was written with copious amounts of wine. I thought it might be fun, given the context of your blog.

    (PS: I got this from a message you sent on 20sb).

  5. Hi Elysa, thanks for the heads up about contributing a guest post!
    I would love to share a post with you about making BIG DECISIONS. I myself have had some big ones which have led to my life the way it is now, living in a foreign country married to the man I love, doing what I love, with hardships along the way.
    If this sounds like something you would like featured on your blog, contact me!

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