In my quest to “hang out with” successful people I was asked “how do you define successful?”. My answer to that is – if you have to ask I’m going to assume you are not successful. Maybe you are and you’re just curious of my definition. I believe that since success is all relative, if you believe you’re successful than you are. Is a person who runs a marathon more successful than the person who runs the half? I say, not necessarily. Success is determined by tracking your results based on your initial intentions. If the runner’s intention is to run a half marathon because last year she walked a large part of the way, then I say she is successful by running the half. Is it possible that she is more “successful” than her friend who ran the whole? I say it is, if the full marathon winner is far off from the time or the pace that she set out to achieve then her results were not as successful. So, the first step in my eyes in being successful is deciding that you are, celebrate the successes you’ve had and figure out what’s the next step up.
How do you define successful?
When I asked “how do you define success?” I did not mean “what is successful?” and had nothing to do with whether or not I consider myself successful (and I do consider myself successful). Success means having a specific goal and reaching it. What I meant was, are you looking for people who are successful with a particular career or ambition? You are a graphic designer and your immediate example was graphic designers that you like and follow, so did you mean you were looking for other 20somethings who are successful at graphic design? At this point, I”m assuming your answer is no, you’re looking for everyone. But your post, and your tweet, weren’t exactly clear.
I think success is finishing goals in a way that is satisfying to you. If you’re not satisfied, or you haven’t completed anything – then it’s not a success.
Successful people are those who achieve and feel satisfied with their achievements. I think it’s fairly simple.
You’re absolutely right about the definition of “successful.” You don’t have to reach a certain arbitrary level to be successful — YOU define it. Thanks for pointing this out. :)
I like this idea and agree that it’s all about being happy achieving the goals you have set out for yourself. Setting detailed steps as part of bigger goals helps me a lot too!
I am with you, E. I say success is a state of mind. I am broke as a joke with a new baby, but I feel successful in new motherhood and in my part time job. Good luck with your success goals.
Truth is that both inner success and outer success are important. You can have all the shoes, flat screen TV’s, speedboats and vacation villa’s you want, but if that success doesn’t mean anything then it’ll all feel empty.
On the flipside, you can feel successful on the inside (which comes from engaging with the things that are most important to you) but it’ll be pretty sucky if you’re stuck in a tiny, damp-ridden studio apartment in the wrong part of town.
One without the other doesn’t work and you’re allowed to have both – the trick is in getting the balance right for you.
Successful to me: Always doing your best,learning from your mistakes, and next time putting into action what you learned from your mistakes.
On the outside, I believe I have achieved a certain level of success. But on the inside, I’m nowhere near there. I’m often insecure and am always looking forward. It’s hard for me to live in the moment. Once I get past this, though, I think I’d define myself as successful.
I learned so many things trying to be successful. Besides being a state of mind, being successful is also heavily waited in one person’s ability to create relationships. To further myself and my career I’m constantly going out, meeting new people and listening to what they have to say. It’s basic… 1. You surround yourself with greatness you will be great. 2. If you feel satisfied with your output, you’re personally successful 3. If others recognize you for your success, then you are publically successful.
I really only think #2 is the only one that matters.
One twentysomethingtv, they talk alot about money, starting a business, chasing their dreams, etc. It’s interesting because there are a group of twenty year olds all hanging out and talking about success, money, dating and life. It’s girl talk you can use.