I found a great post today through sk*rt of The Magical List of Outstanding Women Bloggers. I am always excited to find new blogs to feed my addiction (and my reader), especially women bloggers.
There are over 150 women bloggers listed. One issue I had with this thorough list – it’s not categorized and there is no way to know what each blog is without visiting each one individually. I guess that’s two issues. So …
Here is the continuance of the outstanding women bloggers list, with blog descriptions. I look forward to making my way through these new blogs.
My additions are in italic.
Art & Design Bloggers
- A Look at Art & Design: Websites, Graphic Design and Marketing for Artists & Galleries – Lisa Mikulski & Dragonfly Blu Design
- Case-Notes from the Artsy Asylum: creative professionals, take on a connected world – Susan Reynolds
- Creative Curio: Learn, discuss and explore the realm of Graphic Design. – Lauren Marie
- Debbie Millman: “You can be anywhere when your life begins.” These are the musings of Debbie Millman. Debbie has been in the design business for the last 20 years fulfilling her dream of working in branding and furthering the meaning, purpose and stature of brands in our culture. – Debbie Millman
- decor8: decor8 is a quick fix for design addicts that love decorating their homes but find it challenging to shop online. Your time is important, so Holly Becker scours dozens of resources for the latest tips and trends so you don’t have to. – Holly Becker
- design*sponge: is a daily website dedicated to home and product design run by Brooklyn-based writer, Grace Bonney. Launched in August of 2004, Design*Sponge features store and product reviews, sale and contest announcements, new designer profiles, trend forecasting and store/studio tours. – Grace Bonney
- Designers Who Blog: DWB features blogs discussing graphic design, web design, illustration, marketing, photography, branding, writing and advertising. – Cat Morley
- Design Your Life: DESIGN YOUR LIFE is about thinking. DESIGN YOUR LIFE applies ideas from design theory and practice to some of the basic problems of daily living, from organizing a household and thinking creatively in the workplace to achieving a relaxed and satisfying erotic life. – Ellen and Julia Lupton, identical twins
- Diary of Claudine Hellmuth : Hip art for playful hearts. “I am a mixed media collage artist, author & illustrator.” – Claudine Hellmuth
- Emily Chang – Strategic Designer: Emily Chang is an award-winning strategic designer and co-founder and principal of Ideacodes, a web consultancy in San Francisco focused on next generation websites. – Emily Chang
- Essential Keystrokes : “Essential Keystrokes is where I share my favorite tips, tools, reviews and commentary on web design, marketing, blogging, new media and related topics.” – Char
- Illustration Friday: Illustration Friday is a weekly creative outlet/participatory art exhibit for illustrators and artists of all skill levels. It was designed to challenge participants creatively. – Penelope Dullaghan
- Mandarin Design Daily: “For people who make mistakes.” Explores numerous Web design and CSS styling tricks and techniques. Features a weblog, color chart, and free images gallery. – The MEG Blog Michelle Goodrich
- molly.com: “I’m Molly E. Holzschlag, and this web site shares my web development work and personal thoughts. Think of it as a personality site. Given that, one hopes I have an interesting enough personality to keep you entertained for at least a little while.” Molly E. Holzschlag
- Netdiver: Digital culture magazine + new media design portal -> Feed your eyes. Netdiver is a digital culture magazine and luvs everything design. Like illustration, reels and shorts, flash and CSS, print and new media, urban scene, artists, portfolios, rich media, mobile generation, architecture, product design, toys and indie merch, photography and the powagirrrls. – Carole Guevin
- oh joy!: inspiration, design, style & other cool things – locally or across the country. – Joy Deangdeelert Cho
- On My Desk: Artists, Illustrators, Designers & Creative Folk Share The Stuff On Their Desks… – Linzie Hunter
- poppytalk: mining for the beautiful, the decayed, and the handmade. poppy talk is a canadian design blog collecting inspiration and promoting emerging design talent.
- swissmiss: swiss designer gone nyc. “swissmiss is my visual archive of things that ‘make me look’.” – Tina Roth Eisenberg
- this is rachelandrew.co.uk : Rachel Andrew is a web developer and writer. She heads up a company that provides web development services on an outsource basis to design agencies and individual designers. – Rachel Andrew
- Sheriar Designs: This is where Mani Sheriar, a self-proclaimed CSS-obsessed freak, shares her passions, thoughts, and insights into web design and development using web standards. – Mani Sheriar
- Veerle’s blog 2.0: “I’m a graphic/web designer living in Belgium. My personal journal is an online source for topics ranging from XHTML/CSS to graphic design tips.” – Veerle
Beauty & Style Bloggers
- The Floozy Blog: “Welcome to the exciting online shopping experience that is Floozy!” – Kate Coote
- Hostess with the Mostess: a place for readers to discover and dish on hip & modern entertaining products, party ideas, and other great stuff. – Jennifer Sbranti
- Little Splurge: Little Splurge is a shopping blog devoted to the material trifles beloved – at least for the moment – by the site’s author, who lives in New York City and is pretty dang proud of the illustration she drew above.
- Oh Happy Day: Updated Daily with Pretty Things. – jordan
- paperclippy: Paperclippy is the shopping blog for professional women on the go.
Business Bloggers
- 45 Things | On the Job: Helpful Information and advice from America’s favorite workplace columnist – Anita Bruzzese
- BlogWrite for CEOs: BlogWriteForCEOs.com, a Technorati Top 10,000 blog considered one of the most influential about business blogging. Debbie Weil – known as the Mona Lisa of Blogging – is a corporate and CEO blogging consultant and author of The Corporate Blogging Book: Absolutely Everything You Need to Know to Get It Right. – Debbie Weil
- Brain Based Biz: Refreshing Business through Arts and Mind. “In this blog I tap into arts and mind to gather insights that stir creativity in business applications.”- Dr. Robyn McMaster
- Brain Based Business: Using your Brain to succeed in Business. Benefiting at work from Brain Based Insights. – Dr. Ellen Weber
- Brazen Careerist: Advice at the intersection of work and life. Penelope Trunk writes career advice for a new generation of workers. She explains why old advice – like pay your dues, climb the ladder, and don’t have gaps in your resume – is outdated and irrelevant in today’s workplace. – Penelope Trunk
- Build a Solo Practice: Newly Minted or Well-Seasoned, Teaching You How to Create and Grow Your Legal Practice. – LLC by Susan Cartier Liebel
- Confident Writing: Coaching tips from a writing coach. “I coach people to write with confidence – to say what they mean, and mean what they say.” – Joanna Young
- Conscious Business: Learning, understanding and teaching how to participate in the business ecosystem, in the service of sustainable small business – Anne Libby
- Conversation Agent: Connecting ideas and people how talk can change our lives. – Valeria Maltoni
- Customers Are Always: Exceptional Customer service. Devoted to customer service and the principles of exceptional customer services. – Maria Palma
- Customers Rock!: A blog about customers, their experiences, and how businesses can make sure their customer experiences rock! – Becky Carroll
- CustServ: Customer Relations: The New Competitive Advantage. – Meikah David
- Design Your Writing Life: “I work with people who have some foundation in personal development who not only want to write, but crave to create a business, launch a project, or develop a venue for the expression of their work.” by Lisa Gates
- Escape from Cubicle Nation : How to go from corporate prisoner to thriving entrepreneur. – Pamela Slim
- eSoup: simplify, organize, thrive. eSoup is Sharon Sarmiento’s site about productivity, entrepreneurism and working virtually. – Sharon Sarmiento
- Forward Steps: “Notice Board of new events and happenings at Forward Steps. When I remember, I let you know of new resources I’ve created or changes to my life coaching tools and sites.” – Thea Westra
- Franke James: “I am an artist, writer and storyteller. My two main blogs are not really typical blogs at all, but they are catching people’s attention, and I hope, contributing to making the world a better place. My Office-Politics daily blog is a collaborative effort, drawing on the talents of experts in the areas of executive coaching, leadership development, dispute resolution, employment law, PR and ethics to answer letters submitted to the site. My Franke James blog — where I write, illustrate and photograph on environmental issues.” – Franke James
- Get Fresh Minds: Ideas so fresh … they should be slapped! For the past 14 years, Katie Konrath has been deeply in love with creativity and creative problem solving. – Katie Konrath
- Great Presentations Mean Business: Pistachio Consulting: When You’ve got something to say. Laura Fitton is a presentations consultant and speaker. She helps clients achieve their business objectives by speaking with clarity, focus and ease. – Laura Athavale Fitton
- Hey Marci: Marci Alboher, an online columnist for the New York Times, has built a reputation for spotting and chronicling the latest thinking on careers. – Marci Alboher
- J.T. O’Donnell Career Insights : Empowering individuals & corporations to new levels of professional success. – J.T. O’Donnell
- Joyful, Jubilant Learning: Welcome to Joyful Jubilant Learning, created for everyone who loves learning. We consider learning a joyful and worthwhile life’s work. We call it our 7 Wonders: Listen, Learn, Laugh, Link, Love, Live, and Leap to Wonder with us. – Rosa Say
- Liz Strauss at Successful Blog: Successful and Outstanding Bloggers. “I am a writer who uses the language to paint and to play word music, places my heart and head in the spaces, and writes in the hope that one person is better for having read what I wrote.” – Liz Strauss
- Management Craft : Discussions about state of the art management. “Management Craft is my vehicle for exploring my passion for management and leadership. I am a professional management and leadership trainer, coach, and organization development consultant.” – Lisa Haneberg
- Productivity Goal: Work productivity, time management, organization, tools and tips. – Carolyn Manning
- The Brand Dame: why you, no matter what you do, must find and flaunt your personal brand–how to do it, how not to do it, and everything in between…… Lyn Chamberlin
- Talk It Up: Trade show and public-speaking secrets from a Chicago trade show spokesperson. – Heidi Miller
- The copy Writing Maven: A copywriter shares tips, techniques, reviews & cranky commentary. – Roberta Rosenberg
- The Engaging Brand: Anna is popular speaker on areas such as social media, personal and employer branding, and leadership. She is an energetic speaker, recently described as “a ball of energy and crammed pack of ideas”. The Engaging Brand works with both companies and individuals on various areas of engagement: How social media can boost your bottom line, How to attract and retain talent, How to develop the leadership capability within your company & How to create a strategy that both delivers results and engages the audience. – Anna Farmery
- The Kiss Business too : (the “Keep It Simple Sweetheart” principle in business). No more “Double Dutch” in Business. – Karin H.
- Water Cooler Wisdom: Up-to-the-minute career advice from one who has survived the trenches. Alexandra Levit is the founder and president of Inspiration @Work, a career consultancy. She regularly speaks at universities and corporations around the country about workplace issues involving young employees. – Alexandra Levit
Business: Marketing Bloggers
- angiemckaig.com: still a great pair of legs: angiemckaig.com is the personal site of web guru Angie McKaig. Her specialties include simple, functional user experiences, micro content, online marketing and business strategy. – Angie McKaig
- BeRelevant: Email Marketing Best Practices: “I’m passionate about email marketing and I want to share that passion with the world.” – Tamara Gielen
- Biz Growth News: Marketing and new media strategies to bring your corporate, employer and personal brand to life. – Krishna De
- Brand Sizzle: anne has significant experience providing strategic planning, brand development, and product innovation services to C-suite and senior marketing clients in a wide range of industries from travel, beverages, tourism, financial services and building products, to cellular, medical technology, data storage and social media. Anne Simons
- Branding & Marketing: “All things marketing: research,
promotions, communications and measurement. I am especially interested in Web 2.0/social media and emerging marketing methods.” – Chris Brown - CK’s Blog: Clever strategies, the new best practices and the smart marketers behind them. – CK (Christina Kerley)
- Communication Overtones: Conversations at the intersection of public relations and social media, live from San Antonio, Texas, USA – Kami Huyse
- Corporate PR: Commentary on the theory and practice of public relations and organizational communications. – Elizabeth Albrycht
- Diva Marketing Blog: An approach to marketing that’s fun, bold and savvy … but always strategically aligned with your brand’s objective. – Toby Bloomberg
- Every Dot Connects : connection through conversation … a social media consortium. – Connie Reece
- Flooring The Consumer: A marketing blog about improving the consumer experience, particularly in flooring. To get there, it is critical to understand who that consumer is, what matters to him/her in a retail experience, and where to look for inspiration. And, by the way, more often than not, this consumer is a woman! – C.B. Whittemore
- Forrester’s Marketing: “The world is changing. And we’re not going to sit by and watch. We’re not just going to document what we see. We’re seeking to understand what’s happening, really understand it. And to help you to deal with it.” – Blog Shar, Charlene, Chloe, Christine Elana, Laura and Lisa
- Inspired Business Growth : Exceptional marketing, branding and entrepreneurship. by Wendy Piersall
- Kinetic Ideas : Marketing Blog, Small Business Marketing Ideas, Marketing Tips. – Wendy Maynard
- Marketing Roadmaps: “If you don’t know where you are going, any road will take you there,” wrote Lewis Carroll in “Alice in Wonderland.” Marketing Roadmaps is Susan Getgood’s blog about where we are going as marketers, with a little bit about where we’ve been (the wrong turns and the right turns.) It’s also about turning down new roads to explore new ideas. – Susan Getgood
- Narrat Assets: Telling the Story: The impact of Art, Science, and Technology on Brand Communication and Marketing. A marketing communications professional with a flair for strategic and creative thought. – Karen Hegman
- Presto Vivace Blog: PR, Marketing, Communications, and Potomac Area Technology by Alice Marshall, Presto Vivace, Inc – Alice Marshall
- Spare Change : “my two cents on making a difference with social marketing
postings from Nedra Kline Weinreich” Nedra is a consultant, author and speaker working in the field of social marketing. – Nedra Kline Weinreich - The Origin of Brands: marketing guru, consultant, bestselling author, speaker. – Laura Ries
- Versa Creations: Build Wealth through Smart Marketing. – Vivienne
Education/Teachings on Life Bloggers
- Learned on Women : Uncovering. Connecting. Inspiring. “My 17+ year career in marketing and public relations took an exciting turn into the realm of the women’s market in 2000. That year I began regularly writing for online publications about the ins and outs of, you guessed it, reaching women consumers.” – Andrea Learned
- Live the Power: “Maybe I can help some other scared, young “grown-up” just like me to discover some of the greatest truths to creating a happy life. You are the only creator of your life!” by Karen Lynch
- Making Life Work for You : Providing information on community, success, and life management. – April Groves
- Manage to Change: Making sense out of change. Ideas need to add up before they can multiply. “I hope that together this blog will help us to open our minds to new ideas – get comfortable with them – and maybe even take them out for a spin!”- Ann Michael
- Peace Love Harmony: Words of wisdom from “Friend” – a conglomeration of nonphysical energies devoted to helping us along our journey. by Kirsten Harrell
- Priscilla Palmer: Personal Development Demands Success. “Hi. I am Priscilla Palmer. I am a life coach who specializes in personal development. There are many skills that have helped me turn my dreams into reality. These skills can be learned by anyone who is willing to work at it. I want to share my passion with the world. I believe that it’s okay not to be perfect, but it is catastrophic to be complacent. Life is a gift. Let’s live it up!!! Let’s make the most of it while we can!!!” – Priscilla Palmer
- Purse Lip Square Jaw : Anne Galloway, Lecturer & PhD Candidate Department of Sociology & Anthropology Carleton University Ottawa, Canada. – Anne Galloway
- The Happiness Project: “THE HAPPINESS PROJECT–a memoir about the year I spent test-driving every principle, tip, theory, and scientific study I could find, whether from Aristotle or St. Therese or Martin Seligman or Oprah. THE HAPPINESS PROJECT will gather these rules for living and report on what works and what doesn’t. On this daily blog, I recount some of my adventures and insights as I grapple with the challenge of being happier.” – Gretchen Rubin
- The Podcast Sisters “The podcast for the Non Geek!” – Krishna De, Anna Farmery and Heather Gorringe
Entertainment Bloggers
- The Parody: “Parody n a thing that is done so badly that it seems deliberately to mock what is intended.” Inspired by musings, interests, and true events. – Sasha Manuel
- That’s What She Said: a blog by Julie Elgar about the popular television series “The Office” – Julie Elgar
- Enter the Laughter: “Hi! I am a wife, mother, friend, humor columnist, online retailer, aspiring novelist, and pumpkin farmer… a woman who is trying to do ten things at once, but only succeeding at about half of them!” – Marti Lawrence
- Entrepreneur’s philoSophie’s: A weekly comic for women entrepreneurs. – Joanna Alberti
Green Bloggers
- Small Failures: Sustainability for the Rest of Us Jess Sand. Every action is a choice and a risk, but it’s the small failures that
lead to big successes. Small Failures sets out to prove that living sustainably and living well are not mutually exclusive. Within these pages, you’ll find tips for living sustainably without giving up the fun stuff, profiles of sustainable products and businesses, and a soapbox-free (most of the time) place to learn about the green stuff.
Finances Bloggers
- Wealth Strategy Secrets: Helping you go from Financial Zero to Wealthy Hero. – Nicola Cairncross, Judith Morgan and The Money Gym Coaches
Health Bloggers
- Back in Skinny Jeans: The skinny on skinnifying. It’s one thing to read about health. It’s another thing to live a healthy life. – Stephanie Quilao
Music Bloggers
- Christine Kane: Christine Kane is a singer-songwriter, performer, teacher and writer. – Christine Kane
Personal Bloggers
- 365 Days of Gratitude Photoblog: be grateful for the simple things in life.
- Do It Myself Blog: Glenda Watson Hyatt shares her experiences living with cerebral palsy to motivate and inspire others to think about how they perceive their own situation and their own world around them. She does all this by typing with only her left thumb! – Glenda Watson Hyatt
- Dooce : My name is Heather B. Armstrong. I am married to a charming geek named Jon. We live in Salt Lake City, Utah, with our three-year-old daughter, Leta Elise, and our five-year-old dog, Chuck. – Heather B. Armstrong
- Get Shouty – Katie Chatfield
- if..else : Hand Crafted Geekery. If..Else is the personal site of Phu Ly, a developer living in London. – Phu Ly
- Moda di Magno : Blog for stylish living. Mrs. Magno Audi driving, Mac using, doppio drinking, (mostly) Red Sox loving liberal. – Lori Magno
Technology/Bloggers Blogging about Blogging
- Deborah Schultz: Technology changes, humans don’t. Evangelist, strategist, catalyst in the new world of social media and beyond. – Deborah Schultz
- Lorelle on WordPress: On Lorelle on WordPress, she writes about everything WordPress and blogging, covering more than you may want to know about how all this blogging business works. – Lorelle VanFossen
- PopGadget: Personal Tech + Innovative Lifestyle for Women. Technology magazines ignore women and women’s magazines ignore technology. Popgadget is a lifestyle magazine that embraces technology as a regular and essential part of women’s lives. – Mia Kim & Hoyun Kim
- Tech Kitten: Mac Tech, Tips, Advice and Reviews. – Trisha Miller
- Techie Diva: Techie Diva is technology blog with an undeniable feminine twist. This doesn’t mean the opposite sex isn’t allowed, on the contrary, we love men who don’t mind partaking in our fun conversations which cover everything from emerging technology to the latest “it” gadget. – Gina Hughes
- The Business Blog Angel: business blogging services, for SMEs, coaches and other solopreneurs. – Claire Raikes
Travel & Culture Bloggers
- Escape Blog: Giving sight to culture-blind travelers. – Melissa Petri
- Fish Creek House : For the fishing, for the forest, for the fun. Luxury with a taste of the rugged outdoors. – GP
Twenty-Somethings Bloggers
(since this is the category I consider myself I decided to make this it’s own category)
- BeautyLoveSpirit: Our philosophy is simple: Positive advice and inspiration for twenty-something women
- GenPink: GenPink is about being a twenty something woman. Letting others know how our generation is different than those before us. We are career women, single & married, girl friends, and individuals. There is a delicate balance in being an individual and being part of a support system for your friends, family and your environment. GenPink is about balancing family and work, technology, entertainment, and exploration of new ideas. – Elysa Rice
- keep up with me: “I’m 27. No kids, no pets, nonsmoker. I live in the DC metro area (Alexandria, to be exact – which, although it’s close to my own name, I swear I didn’t move here on purpose). I’m the second of five kids (two sisters and two brothers). I’ve been blogging since September 2002. College graduate, sociology major. Voracious reader.” – Zandria
- Lindsay Pollak: Advice & Resources for College Students and Young Professionals. – Lindsay Pollak
- Little Red Suit: The purpose of LittleRedSuit is to explore the many ways our lives, our efforts, our careers and our PR and marketing efforts are impacted by our new media world. Join me in this conversation, and you’ll probably hear a lot about marketing, media, Generation Y, the workforce, communication, personal branding, relationships and very likely several other topics. – Tiffany Monhollon
- Michelle & the City: I am a 25 year old Graphic Designer. I work at a law firm and I absolutely love my job! – Michelle
- Modite: Helping you change the world, because a quarter-life crisis is so last year. Rebecca Thorman gives advice to navigate beyond the line of work and play, based on real experiences. It’s engagement for the next generation, and the young at heart, like you! by Rebecca Thorman
- Ypulse : Media for the Next Generation. Daily news & commentary about Generation Y for media and marketing professionals. – Anastasia Goodstein
Wedding Bloggers
- Style Me Pretty: Abby is a writer, a designer, a girly girl. She is forever inspired by the world around her. She dreams in color. Professionally, abby designs a line of invitations and social stationery. For fun she scours the world for inspiration. – Abby
- Weddingbee: Weddingbee is a wedding blog updated daily by 20 real brides across the US and Canada. We feature an active community, wedding inspiration and ideas, diy projects, product reviews, vendor spotlights, advice and news, with a core focus on real brides’ wedding planning journeys from engagement to “I Do” and beyond. – Bee Kim
Disclaimer: I apologize if I mis-categorized your blog or if the description is not fitting (I copied them all from the blogs) I am happy to make any changes or additions to the list. Also, there were a few of my additions that I could not find the bloggers name, if you want that added feel free to send it to me.
Now if only there was a mass subscribe button. :D
EDITOR’S NOTE: This list was compiled in 2007, several of these blogs may be inactive or have changed interests since this post was created.
Wow! This is an impressive endeavor. And a very useful one, at that. Great job! Thanks for linking me to it!
Thanks for taking the time to organize the list. I love the way you put everything into catagories, and alphabetized it. That had to take awhile. It looks great.
You have just become my personal hero for doing all this work. Not to mention the fact that I am really about helping people connect with resources they needs to succeed. And I love your description of what this blog is about. For sustainable living you might take a look at LighterFootsdstep.com. I know you will enjoy the crisp writing and style.
Give me a shout if you need anything. I dedicated my life to learning about others so that I can help them soar. Thank you again for the time. attention, and beautiful work you did on this list.
Oops, sorry about the typos. LighterFootstep.com. Friday night and some red vino will do that to you ;-)
Elysa – this is beyond wonderful. thank your time and energies creating this list.
Wow you did an incredible job with the list! Thank you! Best wises to you!
I cannot imagine the time and energy that it took to put this together. A round of applause, everyone, for this amazing effort on behalf of all of us.
OK, tried to type that too fast. I meant “best wishes” (although best wises is nice too I guess – lol)
No women-penned gaming blogs? :(
What a labor of love to take on this monumental and extremely valuable undertaking. Thank you for all your time and energy to do this. And I’m so glad to meet you.
@Tiffany: I am glad that you like my little endeavor and I am happy to include you in the list, I enjoy your writing.
@Priscilla: I am a category fanatic, I have categories and subcategories for everything. You should take a look at my del.icio.us account it’s crazy.
@Valeria: Glad to meet you. I will check out lighterfootsteps for sure. Friday nights and red wine sounds pretty appealing to me. :D
@Toby,Marti, & Anita: Very welcome! Hope you make some new friends out of this list, I know I will.
@Brinstar: There may be some women who write gaming blogs but they weren’t on the original list and gaming doesn’t have to be one of my areas of interests so I wouldn’t know. I’d be happy to add more to the list per other’s suggestions.
@Susan: Yes you are right this was a labor of love. I have a constant thirst for information. The time that it took to compile this will actually save me time in the long run. I was considering subscribing to ALL, yes I’m crazy, of the list on a temporary basis and deciding slowly who to take off. Have them categories and summarized will save me from myself. My fiance just took his LSATs and will be starting Law School next fall so I will have to send him to your blog.
You are unbelievable with how you have truly amplified everyone on this list! thank you, and thanks for including Flooring The Consumer. I am honored.
This is a great idea for our wonderful list. Thank you for all your hard work.
Btw – Tammy didn’t make it to your list. Could you please add her? She’s brilliant.
Conflict coaching and resolution for the workplace | Tammy Lenski
Dr. Tammy Lenski is a dialogue jump-starter. An expert at helping people talk out their differences and build stronger work and home relationships in the process, Tammy has helped individuals, work teams and entire organizations make their peace with conflict for almost two decades.
Great Job! It really simplifies the process of checking out all of these blogs.
I appreciate all of your work!
Pass it on!!
Elysa – this might be going beyond the limit but .. Carolyn started a wiki that we hope will consolidate all into one Magical W list so the world will be able to find the talented women who blog. Any way to incorporate your list into the wiki?
Great list. You’ve just saved me a lot of work because searching for women’s blogs on google has been tedious. You might want to consider adding http://www.BrideDiva.com to the wedding list. This lady is hilarious!
Wow! What an honour to be included on your list! I’m a little taken aback! :)
And thank you for providing us with so many wonderful links!
Thank you for including me on your list! I look forward to looking at all of these great blogs written by women!
Thank you so much for taking the time to categorize the W List – this is a fantastic resource!
great list elysa~ thanks for the link!
It was nice of you to include me. You’re so sweet! Thank you. :)
Hey Elysa!
You rock! This is amazing! I created a wiki to house the list. Can we somehow consolidate our work? I love the idea of catogories. It would really make the wiki wow!
The wiki is at http://wmagicallist.wikispaces.com/.
Wow Elysa! What a great list of bloggers and a great service to us all! I love the way you broke it down into categories, a perfect reference tool. I am honored to be on the list with so many great blogs! Thanks! Kathleen
This is stunning. I think you’ve just created the list of lists. I wonder if your list could be the ONE list we all add into?
In any case, I thank you for all the incredible diligence it took to recreate the list. Glad to meet you, and find out about your blog!!
Mommy Bloggers that don’t annoy me would be a nice category.
This is awesome! This list will definitely be included in my “book of resources”.
Thank you!
Hey Elysa,
You should consider Outblush (http://www.outblush.com) for your list. They’re awesome chicks with cool product picks.
Great idea! Tammy Vitale of Women Art Life: Weaving it All Together started a W-list last December, as a response to the Z-list.
I don’t want to try to post the links here because it will trip the spam filter and make a mess, but I posted them on my blog:
Let me know if you want the list to post, and I can e-mail it. There are some folks on both lists, but a lot who are not. Keep up the great connecting work! :-)
PS On my site, http://www.blogsbywomen.org, we are sorted into categories and each blog has a short description. Come visit!.
Elysa, thanks for your amazing effort to categorize the list. Amazing. (And Carolyn’s wiki is great, too.)
Be well.
You have an absolutely stunning blog with tons of resources for other women bloggers. As I develop my blog, which promotes healthy skin by using dermatologist developed products and helps others develop their own small business, I will aspire to add more resources and help my daughter (who is entering 20 something) build a blog as fabulous as yours. You are my muse!
Victoria SkinCare – Luxurious Medical/Botanical SkinCare Regimens and Products
yahoo yahoo
helo! The babes are here! This is my sexiest site to visit. I make sure I am alone in case I get too hot. Post your favorite link here.
Hey! The babes are here! This is my favorite site to visit. I make sure I am alone in case I get too hot. Post your favorite link here.
Thanks. This is just what I was looking for!