Month: October 2008

Pink Knock Out

For the most part I don’t talk about my personal life here but today I’m choosing to because of the topic. I am sitting in the waiting room at the hospital my mom’s lifelong best friend (my other mother) was just called back for surgery. Last week she was diagnosed with breast cancer – so […]

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Tooting Your Own Horn: The first PodCast

First, let me just say yippie I made my first podcast! Did I mention I’m a little quirky and get excited by very odd things? So, the topic of my first podcast and this post is tooting your own horn. My intention with podcasting is to have it be a supplement to my blog and […]

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Pink Planes: AA Miles for the Cure

On my flight today back home from the New Marketing Summit in the Boston area I was browsing through American Way Magazine. An interesting headline caught my attention “Red, White, Blue and Pink.” I knew this must have something to do with breast cancer since it’s October. The first paragraph of the article: “I’m guessing […]

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Gen Y Generalized

I just posted a statement on twitter that I decided I had enough energy about to turn it into a full blown blog post. Let’s back up and tell you where this mini-rant is coming from. I am currently sitting at the New Marketing Summit and I just heard Timothy Young speak about Collective Creativity […]

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Managing To-Dos 3 Tiered

I have a 3 tiered system for managing my to-dos. I thought I’d share my system with you guys today and see how you manage your to-do list. First of all I’ll say for the most part I am a digital person in most areas of my life so I do have 2 forms of […]

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GenPink reDesign Survey

As you may or may not know from reading GenPink I am a graphic designer. I design both print and websites for small to medium businesses. Lately I’ve had the serious urge to redesign GenPink. But I don’t want to just design a new template I want to create a whole new GenPink 2.0 – […]

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