I just stumbled on the best early birthday present evah! 30 Days 30 Ways with Macaroni and Cheese.
This might be the most creative marketing slash collaborative project I’ve seen in quite some time.
Welcome to 30 Days, 30 Ways a blog brought to you by the Wisconsin Milk Marketing Board. We’ve collaborated with 30 different food bloggers to create 30 inventive recipes for the classic dish — Macaroni & Cheese.
Nice going Wisconsin Milk Marketing Board! They are currently on Day 11 of their 2nd Annual 30 Day cheesefest.
I think I am most excited to try these from this year:
and these from the 2010 series:

Do you have a favorite mac and cheese recipe? Jamielovely sent me an awesome one several months ago. You can probably bribe her into sharing with you.
I’m SO happy for you!
I like to throw a can of Rotel (drained) into my mac and cheese – super easy.
These all look good. I love comfort food. Hoffbrau Steaks has an awesome Mac N Cheese too.
Now, to make my grocery list.