I am going Pink for October!
Web sites will Go Pink during the month of October to bring attention to Breast Cancer Awareness Month, get people talking about breast cancer, and raise money for research.
Since GenPink was already well, ya know Pink I decided that I should make my pink change a little more obvious so I have a whole new theme for October.
This theme is based off of iLoveMusic by Sadish. The header image is an altered iStock illustration, the original can be found here. The headline font is Angelina from my favorite free font website.
i am going to download that font… pronto
i heart dafont :)
I went pink for October as well! And, I am walking the Virtual Gal to Gal walk…wanna join? https://www.galtogalwalk.org/
I love it!
I like the new design! I’m impressed you did it all by yourself too..