Monday Laughs

Last Monday morning I was in a really weird mood so I decided to post a bulletin to make me laugh and of course my friends too. And of course when you think of laughs, lolcats are the first things that come to mind. Since I got so many people last Monday saying thanks I needed that I decided it’s my new tradition – Monday morning silly myspace bulletin. Here was today’s. I seriously laugh out loud every time I look at it. Ohh how I love lolcats.


10 thoughts on “Monday Laughs

  1. Excellent picture… sat here (in a very boring office, having a coffee break) smiling like somebody jammed a coat hanger in my mouth.

  2. Haha. I LOVE the lolcats and i can has cheezburger. I have some funny pictures of my cat and I should totally photoshop something funny on them and make my OWN lolcats. :)

  3. LOVE it. just like i love LOL cats. seriously. its sad how much i laugh at icanhascheezburger. m has even started sending me things. we even started talking in lolcat speak. yeah. its sad. but its funny.

    xo, bb

    p.s. cool crowd, huh? tres jealouse. ;)

  4. janet- that is a funny idea, but how would you implement it?

    amy- I added that site to my daily reads :D

    kwarterlifecrisis- I have two cats and so many times I have considered taking a picture of them and submitting it to lolcats or icanhazcheeseburger. Did you know they take submissions?

    blogging barbie- oh I wish you hadn’t given me the idea to speak in lolcat I was just about on this side of crazy now I think there is no hope. The cool crowd is just visitors who have MyBlogLog.

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