Wired Magazine put together a list of 32 New Rules for the 21st Century, each rule links to an in depth explanation (and in some cases a how-to).
Here are a few of my favorites:
- Wait Before Revealing TV Spoilers: I’ve found that I have to avoid twitter completely during Grey’s Anatomy because people are so quick to tweet what’s going on. Be courteous and remember that some people DVR or watch shows online after they air.
- Meet Online Friends in the Real World: I very highly recommend this! Back in March I had a great time getting to meet several Brazen Careerists that I had been conversing with online for the past few years. I’ve also scheduled and attended various tweet-ups and other local events just for fun.
- Never Broadcast Your Relationship Status: Broadcasting to the world that you are in a fight with your boyfriend or husband by changing your relationship status to “It’s Complicated” is childish. End of Story!
- Seek Out Your Coworkers on Facebook: While I personally agree with this idea, I think it’s beneficial to ask your coworker on a lunch break about their thoughts of adding people on Facebook. I’ve added several of my new coworkers but if someone doesn’t like to add work people that’s their choice.
- Don’t Work All the Time — You’ll Live to Regret It: What is it they say: Life, Laugh, Love … and all that right?
Have any new rules you’d like to add?
I’m not sure I have a new rule, but I’ll second rule number 4 on your list. I never understood why it could be an issue until I was laid off. Now I’m in this awkward position where all my old coworkers can see my profile and keep up with my life and I can’t remove them as friends without seeming bitter, even though I’m not. It’s just a weird situation. From now on I’ll definitely think long and hard before adding coworkers as friends.