Sausage Smoothie, anyone?

Happy Friday friends! Need a laugh? You should watch this video. Although it did make me grimace a bit. I’m a fan of smoothies, but I prefer mine with milk. In fact, I have an entire Pinterest board with smoothie recipes.

Speaking of smoothies, here is a recipe for ya:

Protein-Packed Berry Burst Smoothie

Did you know an 8 oz. glass of milk has more protein than an egg?

breakfast is the meal americans are least likely to seek out protein, but may be the most important

And if you happen to have headphones you should also watch this one. I don’t have an explanation for you when you laugh out loud though.

Since we don’t subscribe to regular TV, we don’t ever see “real” commercials. Aside from Hulu, I see most of my commercials these days on Youtube. Yes, I’m a nerd and seek out commercials to watch on the Youtube. I think these Protein Fight Club commercials from National Milk Campaign are refreshing. The Got Milk magazine ads back-in-the-day were so focused on celebrities. I love that these videos are funny and appeal to all audiences.

In case you were wondering, my attempt at a milk mustache photo didn’t turn out so fab! However, here’s a happy Movember ‘stache photo with myself and the hubs.

his and hers movember stache. genpink finger drawing mustache

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Disclaimer: As a Milk Mustache Ambassador I am working directly with the The National Milk Mustache “got milk?” Campaign. I am being compensated for this series. As always, opinions expressed here are my own. My love of these campaigns runs deep friends! 

One thought on “Sausage Smoothie, anyone?”

  1. ha ha. sausage smoothie! Crack me up! and the real smoothie looks delicious- I pinned it for later!

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