8 Steps to Set Your Day Up for Success

8 Steps to Set Your Day Up for Success

This post is in partnership with Premier Protein. I received product samples as well as compensation. 

Although I’ve never been a morning person, I’m going to blame the weather for the fact that these days I opt to do as many things as I can the night before to make my mornings easier. Some of these tips I’ve been using for years, a few are new additions, others are seasonal and I may have stolen a couple from Pinterest!

This list is just a starting point, would love to hear additional ideas in the comments!

8 Steps to Set Your Day Up for Success

8 Night & Morning Routines that Will Make Your Day More Awesome!

  1. Make a List & Check it Twice: There are so many great articles about setting your priorities for the day. I like to check my calendar and my task management app at night before I go to sleep so I know what’s on my agenda for the following day. I know others who like to start their morning with their list and some coffee.
  2. Dress the Part: You can thank my 6-year-old self for this idea… pick out your clothes the night before. This will give you time to think of all of the accessories and plan for the weather. I live in Texas, so the date on the calendar has ZERO bearing on the temperature. Today it’s cold and rainy, tomorrow it might be 85. Picking out your clothes in the evening also keeps you from wearing mismatching socks, unless of course that’s the look you’re going for. Bonus success points if you iron or steam your clothing ahead of time.
  3. Power to the Protein: Without preparation it’s so easy to skip breakfast and end up being “that guy” with the growling stomach in the morning meeting. The good news is, Premier Protein products give you the energy you need every day — without the extra calories, sugar and fat. I was provided with samples of the Premier Protein Fruit Smoothie in Mixed Berry. It has 15 grams of protein and only 140 calories, so it’s a great grab-and-go option for breakfast. Starting the morning off with healthy choices helps set the tone for the day.
  4. Morning Melodies: Fair warning, this trick may not work if your spouse isn’t on the same schedule for you. If you live alone or you aren’t concerned about waking up your partner, there’s always the option of using playlists or your favorite song in place of the obnoxious alarm tones. I created a Morning playlist I used to listen to while I was getting ready. I’ve also opted for wearing headphones while I’m drying my hair.
  5. Plan ahead for during and post-work food:  This will be different for everyone. If you’re an office worker that might mean packing snacks and a lunch the night before. If your days are varied, perhaps you can plan ahead for dinner by putting food in crockpot in the early part of the day. I haven’t found the official study, but I’m sure there’s an indirect link between vending machines and productivity. Planning healthy snacks can seriously increase your productivity! Premier Protein has a great selection of protein + energy bars. How does Cookies ‘n Cream sound?
  6. Let’s get physical: Whether you’re into yoga before bed, the type to hit the gym before work, or just want to do some stretching to wake up, there’s a lot of benefit to daily physical activity.
  7. Dedicated dreaming: Do you have a side-hustle? Or are you saving up for something big? Chances are you have some dream or goal that you’re working on. Toni Robbins suggests take 3 steps EVERY DAY towards your dream… whatever that looks like for you. Make a plan and make the steps towards your goal measurable.
  8. Educational commute time: I’m a big fan of audiobooks and podcasts to pass the time in the car. I’m usually listening to bussinessy books while I’m driving. I find using that time to learn something is much more enjoyable (for me) than morning radio chatter. I also know quite a few people who take public transportation and opt to read on their ride to work.

About Premier Protein

Every body needs protein. But HEALTHY protein can be hard to find. That’s why all of Premier Protein’s delicious products are high in protein without all the added calories, sugar and fat. So whether it’s breakfast on the run, a mid-afternoon snack or a post-workout boost, you’ll get the energy you need every day.

I was pleasantly surprised by the flavor of the Mixed Berry. Some other protein drinks can taste chalky, but theirs are fulfilling while also tasting great. Although, I like how the Mixed Berry tastes on its own I’m curious to try it blended with some of my frozen favorites. I was thinking I could add fresh spinach and frozen peaches for a bit of a variety.

I also, want to try this recipe inspired by banana bread from Premier Protein’s Facebook
Premier Protein Cinnamon Banana Bread Shake | Genpink

To make our Cinnamon Banana Bread Protein Shake, blend 1 Vanilla Premier Protein shake, 1/2 banana, 1/4 cup cinnamon granola, pinch of cinnamon and ice to desired thickness. Top with chopped walnuts and enjoy!

Thanks to Premier Protein for giving me a boost throughout my morning! If you have a Kroger in your area here’s a $4.00 off coupon so you can try Premier Protein Smoothies. They have additional combination ideas on their Facebook so give ’em a thumbs up.


{image credit: Premier Protein product images; notebook, headphones, lunch box & yoga mat from Dreamstime}


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