Announcing December Series: Top 10 Lists

For my US friends, I hope you had a great Thanksgiving filled with lots of food and down time.

I am excited to announce an upcoming series for the month of December. Each day there will be a guest post (sometimes two) with a Top Ten list. I find that in my blog browsing any time I see a list of “Ten Things You must Know” or “Ten Things You Should Not Do” I’m immediately intrigued. I am blessed to have a great circle of friends with a wide variety of interests and expertise. So, I decided to do some crowdsourcing to close out 2010 with an awesome series of Top Ten posts.

Now I wouldn’t want to ruin the surprise by giving away the entire series but… here’s a few things that might interest you:

  • This series will be presented in alphabetical order in another ABC type series. (see the ABCs of Life as a Twenty-something) – so December 2nd will be B: 10 Ways to be Beautiful without Spending a Penny
  • There are over 35 contributors to this series including: 3 published authors, a few college students, single people, married people, moms, entrepreneurs, start-up founders, career rockstars and unemployed people AND a good mix of men and women.
  • Some of the topics include: grad school, money, cooking, how to get unstuck, stress relievers, skydiving, fitness, internet dating, jobs, karma, saying no, sanity, traveling, and Disney World.

The series will start bright and early on December 1st! I can tell you that you won’t want to miss any of the posts in this series (I can say that because I didn’t write them).

A few ways to stay updated about GenPink:

{Update: all of the posts from this series are tagged: Top10}

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