A Place for Cookers & Cakers


Let’s Swap!

I discovered a site called BakeSpace.com and I want you to check it out. On BakeSpace we can swap recipes, raid the site’s global pantry and make new friends with food lovers from around the world.

Bakespace is fun, free and deliciously cute. Please use the link below to join the site, and forward this email to your food-loving friends and family.

I look forward to seeing you on BakeSpace, and don’t forget to send me a brownie point when you get there.

Join BakeSpace

I haven’t played around with this site much yet but so far it seems pretty fun. I do love the design and the tagline. Also, it was a Nominee for the 2007 Webby Awards (which is like an Emmy for a website) meaning it must be pretty special. Check it out and join my friend list so we can swap recipes.

GenGreen – Plates:

If each U.S. household replaces one 40-count package of conventional paper plates with 100% recycled ones, we’ll save 487,000 trees.

Wanna Picnic while the night sky explodes? at Ideal Bite