I’ve been blogging for seven years. Seven years is a long time to do anything. Yet, for some reason I still click on blogging tip articles that show up in my Twitter feed. I’ve even been known to subscribe to a number of blogs that blog about blogging. Ya follow?
One of my internet friends who happens to write occasionally about blogging tips decided to start a Pinterest board with Blogging Tips & Tools. Sarah, who also happens to be the gal who developed the newist version of Genpink, knows a thing or two about Blogger and WordPress so I gladly joined the collab board. It’s been fun seeing what other bloggers believe are helpful resources. And so, I thought I’d share some of my favorite resources on blogging for those of you who having a blog or are considering starting one.
- SITs Girls has 30 Writing Prompts for you for the month of June // SITs Girls
- How to create a style guide for your blog // XO Sarah
- How to write a blog business plan like a champ // Regina
- Bloggy Law shares some Blogger Disclosure Examples & Tips // Bloggy Law
- 12 Best Time Management Tips for Bloggers // The Blog Maven
- How to Design a Free Media Kit for Your Blog Using PicMonkey // Being Reese
You can follow the whole board here.