Thanks to UncommonGoods for sponsoring this story.
Do you have a dish or a specific meal that you love to order when you’re out? Several weeks ago a group of girl friends and I started this Monday night adventure we’ve titled #indefinitecheeseboards. We’re on a mission to try, and analyze, all of the cheeseboards in the Dallas area. Checkout our Instagrams so far: #indefinitecheeseboards on iconosquare.
The thing is… I’m married to a guy who loves food and wine. So, he and I decided to make our own at home cheeseboard adventure.
Step 1: Kitchen Nerd Supplies
How can you have a party (even just for two) without some fun supplies? Thanks to the lovely people at UncommonGoods we seriously upped our serving board game! I am seriously in love with this ampersand cheese and crackers serving board. Truth be told, I’ll likely use it for fruit and other non-cheese things in the near future.

We have a fun wine rack hanging in our kitchen, so I’m a fan of unique wine glasses. I love all of the wine glass options available on UncommonGoods. Speaking of wine, we got a basic wine decantor as a wedding gift. I always assumed it was doing a pretty good job. That is, until I learned about this Wine Breather Carafe. Very innovative… and fun to play with. We may have cleaned it by transferring a wine bottle full of water MULTIPLE times.
Step 2: Cheese, Wine and then some more food
The next step can take a lot of debating. Just remember, no matter which cheese you pick for your first at home cheeseboard adventure, there’s always an opportunity to try all of the others. In addition to cheese you can add any sort of add-ons ya like. We had salami, plum, apple and some flavored peanuts. Our choices were more about what we had on hand than a dialog in the dairy aisle of the store.
Step 3: Noms
Seems easy enough, ehh? If I were to create this night again, which I know I will, I’d opt for a higher cheese to cracker ratio. We went a bit overboard with the crackers. I think it’s because our “& board” is just too stinkin cute!
UncommonGoods is an online marketplace offering creatively designed, high-quality merchandise at affordable prices. UncommonGoods believes that creativity and the expression of individuality represent two great human treasures. They have set out to create a business that makes uncommon goods accessible to everyone. Check out UncommonGoods great selection of gifts, I’m particularly fond of the wine related gift items!