Come out! Come out! Wherever you are!

I did some stumbling through my incoming links and found out that today is "The Great Mofo Delurk" day.

Say hello! Share who you are! Put an end to your m*th*rf*ck*ng lurking and leave a comment!

The Great Mofo Delurk 2007

Meaning – time for all of you non-commenting readers to share something with us.

If you want to read a long rambling thing about me you can do that here. I want to know something random about you – lurkers or not.

11 thoughts on “Come out! Come out! Wherever you are!

  1. I’m in love with the new layout, Elysa! It’s so pretty. I don’t count as a lurker, I think. I’m always commenting.

  2. I don’t think i delurked myself yesterday but i read you via 20 something bloggers :) so hi! Sorry i’m a day late. I’m a lil slow :D

  3. There are two things I am OCD about: I triple, or like 5 time check, that my alarm clockS(oh yeah more than one) is set, before I go to sleep and my door is locked before I leave the house.

    Also, because I love peanut butter SO much, and I am SO allergic to it, sometimes I fantasize about eating a lot of it, savoring every morsel and then rushing myself to the ER. It’s just the explanation I would have to give to the ER……I can’t lie…so I never end up doing it, and oh yeah the feeling of being THAT sick is well…..we won’t go there… haha

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