End of day recap: what channel are you on?

Everyday of your life is recorded to a
memory bank, like a movie. At the end of each day unconsciously (or not) each of us pick what parts to rewind and re-live, even if only for a moment.

Have you ever stopped to notice what “channel” you stop on to revisit the events, thoughts, emotions of your day?

Is it the “things I messed up at work” saga, perhaps “moments that made me laugh”, or maybe your channels are focused around people in your life. Does your boss get a part in the end of day recap, a loved one, how about a stranger, or maybe the absence of someone.

Just something to ponder.

3 thoughts on “End of day recap: what channel are you on?

  1. It really depends on my mood, though for the most part I tend to dwell on the negative. For a while at least, or until I eat ice cream. :)

  2. Interesting… I totally agree with you. I have just never thought of our “end of day recaps” being like a channel in your mind. I think the tone of your recap is a great indication of where you’re at personally… whether in a positive or negative place.


  3. Robin Williams did a movie called Final Cut which is very similar to what you described in your post. Trippy film I highly suggest it.

    The most popular “shows” that are on repeat on my channel are hopeless crushes. So hot yet so unrealistic… *Sigh.
    Actually I think about my past a lot. Lately my childhood and the role the adults around me played.

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