(Thanks to everyone who participated! This giveaway is now closed, and the winner is June Lisle.)
The Coca-Cola Company released a new line of tasty teas and juice drinks called FUZE. The new FUZE beverages are a great alternative to sugary sodas and energy drinks. FUZE contains vitamins B6 and B12 in all of products except Honey & Ginseng Green Tea.
Did you know…?
Vitamins B6 and B12 represent 10 percent of the daily value per 8 fl .oz. serving for juice drinks and 10 percent of the daily value per 12 fl oz serving for teas.
The new line of natural flavors includes:
- Lemon Iced Tea
- Honey and Ginseng Green Tea
- Half Iced Tea & Half Lemonade
- Berry Punch Juice Drink
- Strawberry Lemonade Juice Drink
We sampled the five flavors, and they’re refreshing and delicious. This is definitely a guilt-free drink to enjoy. Our favorite was the Lemon Iced Tea!
You can pick up any FUZE drink (1-liter) for just 99 cents! The new FUZE products are available at convenience stores nationwide. By the end of the year you can catch FUZE beverages in both bottle and can package options. FUZE iced tea and juice drinks, formulated to be dispensed on traditional Coca-Cola fountain dispensers, will be available in five refreshing naturally-flavored varieties, including: Raspberry Tea, Lemon Tea, Peach Tea, Sweet Tea and Unsweetened Tea.
Connect with the FUZE brand on Facebook and Twitter. Grab a bottle of Fuze, and let us know what you think!
AmEx Giftcard Giveaway!
One lucky GenPink reader will win a $50 American Express gift card!
Pinterest Contest and Requirements:
- Sign up for Pinterest (if you do not have an account already)
- Create a new board on your Pinterest page titled “Come Together and Pass the FUZE”.
- Pin images of meals, recipes, drinks and other meal experiences you’d like to share with your friends and followers.
- Your board must include at least 10 pins
- Add the link of your new Pinterest board in our comments section below, so we can keep track of all the entries.
One winner will be randomly chosen on Friday, Nov. 2, 2012 at noon CST. Only one board per person, please. Take a look at GenPink’s FUZE board for some starting points. Good luck! Please send any questions to PR@GenPink.com.
Disclosure: We have received product and compensation from The Coca-Cola Company in the form of a gift card to participate in this campaign promoting the new line of FUZE beverages. The winner of this giveaway will be randomly chosen. In addition, The Coca-Cola Company provided the gift card we are using as the prize in my promotion.
Here’s my board–http://pinterest.com/mami2jcn/come-together-and-pass-the-fuze/
Thanks for the chance!
mami2jcn at gmail dot com
my board link: http://pinterest.com/thismomwins/come-together-and-pass-the-fuze/
email: thismomwins@gmail.com
Board: http://pinterest.com/mshahab/come-together-and-pass-the-fuze/
here is my board: http://pinterest.com/elena8/come-together-and-pass-the-fuze/
elena150980 at yahoo dot com
my board – http://pinterest.com/lisalu24/come-together-and-pass-the-fuze/
jslbrown_03 at yahoo dot com
This is my board http://pinterest.com/battlecry/come-together-and-pass-the-fuze/
Thank you :))
Thanks http://pinterest.com/mariebblake/come-together-and-pass-the-fuze/
Thanks for the chance! http://pinterest.com/donnajustine/come-together-and-pass-the-fuze/
Thank you for the chance! http://pinterest.com/spinsugar/come-together-and-pass-the-fuze/
Thanks Fuze~ http://pinterest.com/gerald212/come-together-and-pass-the-fuze/
Thanks for the opportunity!
dpapsis2 at gmail dot com
Hi June,What is your email address?
Did you pick a winner yet? I can’t find a post or anything about it…thanks