If you’re picking up a new subject to learn, The Complete Idiot’s Guide series (publisher: Alpha Books) is where to look. This series carries an array of books for beginnings of almost any subject. Photography, gardening, fitness, history…you name it, they got it! I took a look at the Linked In and Pilates on the Mat books for review.
The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Linked In, written by Susan Guenlius, serves as a guide for not only beginner users, but experienced ones as well. Many of us may think we know everything about Linked In, but this book will show what you may have missed. It tells you how to navigate around the site including how to use advanced searches, joining groups and adding your business’s products and services to the profile page. The author also provides tips on writing catchy headlines and how to professionally upgrade your account. Whether you’re looking for assistance on maintaining your personal or company’s Linked In page, this book has the answers you’re looking for.
As an avid yogi, The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Pilates on the Map, by author Karon Karter, quickly caught my attention. I’ve been trying out Pilates lately to mix up my workout routine. This book is affordable, and I don’t have to waste more money on a class. The guide gives readers step-by-step instructions, accompanied with pictures, on beginner to advanced positions. I like trying out a new Pilates position each day and add it to my list of other moves. If you’re looking to get toned for the summer, this book can help with that! Don’t forget your mat. :)
Both books are written in a conversational language that’s easy to follow. You check out the assortment of books by The Complete Idiot’s Guide here. I’m sure you will find something of interest instantly!
Disclaimer: These books were sent to us for review. As always we give our honest opinions when writing reviews and were not compensated.