Hey look they are talking about us again

“They wear flip-flops to work, reveal personal information online, and see no reason why their work schedules can’t be flexible. Ladies and gents, please welcome Generation Y now tap dancing around their boomer managers in the workplace.”

This quote is from The Boston Globe. Something ironic that I find is directly next to this quote in the article is a “Article Tools” box that says Share on Digg, Facebook etc. Aren’t those the exact tools we are being mocked for. Maybe that wasn’t meant to be mocking but I can’t place any other tone with “tap dancing.” Maybe this is just me “questioning authority.”

What do you think?

For the record I don’t wear flip flops to work.

Update: If you can’t get page 2 and 3 to show up check out the print version, that’s how I had to read the rest of the article.

Featured photo provided by Pixabay.

6 thoughts on “Hey look they are talking about us again

  1. While I don’t agree with that article as a whole (some descriptions seemed to be for people who have not yet joined the workforce, I’d like to think they wouldn’t post their wild party photos on the internet once they finish school), I did agree with some parts, for example trying to find more of a work/life balance in time management. I am constantly struggling to find time for my own personal life. I always dress in business attire at work, too.

  2. Hi Elysa! Love the blog and I fit right in, mid-twenties, a fellow designer and not a mommy :D I don’t wear flip flops to work either (but if I could, I would!) and yes, that quote does sound a little derogatory. Actually, it almost sounds like the writer is jealous that s/he is getting old! LOL, quite ironic about those social media links right next to the article. Do you know if it was an online exclusive or was this in the printed version of the paper as well? Maybe their writers for print are not as savvy?

  3. Tina, I also completely agree with the balancing struggle.

    Lauren, I don’t know whether its exclusively online or a print version. If I were to make something up I’d say both. I would agree that the writer is “older.”

  4. This article was really interesting. I struggle with the desire to have more flexibility in my job (i am part of the 8-5 professional work force)…. I am looking a lot for opportunities where I can find that. I also do not wear flip flops to work. but we are allowed to wear dark dressy jeans and nice sandals, which i do!

  5. rachel – I am also part of the professional work force, learning the balance of work and my personal life was my whole reason for starting GenPink

    Sugar_Rush – whatever makes you happy I say. Last I checked flip flops don’t effect you getting your work done.

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