Inspirational quotes from Quotabelle

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A great quote can leave a lasting impression on anyone. It may help get you get through a hectic workday, an agreement with a friend or another time of unhappiness in life. Sometimes a small burst of inspiration can help!

I recently learned about a Quotabelle, a website full of meaningful quotes that was established to help increase the sharing of quotes and stories of women in hopes of balancing out the number of quotes shared by men versus women. All quotes and stories are research-backed and come from trustworthy resources.

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The site is easy to use. You can search for a quote from a famous speaker, author, actress, politicians, entrepreneurs, fashion icons, etc., and you can browse quotes from any era, community (such as “New York City” or “millennials”), topic, emotion or occasion.

Feel free to share the quotes via social media and even in dialogue with friends. As for you, print off your favorite quote and have it in a place where you can see it every day, such as your desk or taped to your bathroom mirror. This daily quote can help boost positivity and confidence in your every day life!

Here are a few quotes I enjoyed reading on the website:

“Treat your career like a bad boyfriend. It likes it when you don’t depend on it.” – Amy Poehler

“Pizza fixes everything.” – Jennifer Lawrence 

“People look at engineers and they call them nerds. That’s why I call myself a geek, it’s more fashionable.” – Weili Dai

“Getting older ain’t for sissies.” – Iris Apfel

Readers can also register for free to be a part of the Quotabelle community to receive weekly emails of new quotes, store your favorite quotes on your profile and to submit your own quote for publication on the website.

What quote do you live by? Feel free to drop us a line in the comments section below.