
I learned a new word today … knackered.

Knackered = buggered = stuffed = tired – alyndabear

That pretty much sums up how I feel today.

Since I’ve had a few people asking … yes I did end up going out last night for Halloween. I had fun, there was dancing and lots of laughing. Today on the other hand is not so much fun. I am not quite sure how I used to go out all the time and then go to class all day. I will tell you that sitting at computer all day is not fun when you’ve had 5 hours of sleep.

This has been my saving grace …

Have you ever had these crazy Monster Energy drinks? They make me feel hyper and drunk.

22 thoughts on “Knackered

  1. I love the word “knackered” as well as other Britain-specific slang like “bloody” and “bollocks.” Caffeine doesn’t really affect me so I’ve never tried that drink. Sometimes I wish it would because it could be really useful.

  2. this girl at my works swears by that stuff, she drinks the low-sugar one. Coffee makes me feel paranoid and drunk, so that Monster drink would probably kill me!

  3. You goober :) How did we used to do it?? Sloshed at night, semi-normal during the day? Take a nap and we were back at it again? I don’t know how we did it, but I am sure a good Power drink should assist in your getting through the day!

  4. Those drinks got me through an entire summer of teaching theatre to kids. I had to cut back near the end of the summer though- even I realized it wasn’t normal to have THIS MUCH ENERGY at 5pm after 8 hours with 30 kids.

  5. Congratulations! featured blogger of the week…way to go!

    I drink energy drinks only when I need to rid myself of a hangover, and that too with much dislike. Never tried monster though…

  6. I had to come here specifically because I realized I hadn’t seen you show up in Google Reader for a while and I thought my feed to your site might be broken. Everything okay, I hope?

  7. For me it’s definitely Sugar Free Red Bull.

    Be careful though, too many and you feel like you’re having a mini heart attack!! I’ve been there (many mini heart attacks), and I’m now positive that there’s nicotine or something in energy drinks because I CAN’T STOP DRINKING THEM. :)

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