I’ll probably write more about this but, if you are not following me on my many other social channels you may not know that I am currently recovering from foot surgery. Yesterday, was the three week mark. And while the procedure was pre-scheduled I had NO idea what an adventure it would be. Since I haven’t been able to be out and about much I’ve had some time to catch up on my blog reading (via Feedly & BlogLovin) so I have quite a few links to share!
Oh, and as for the quick request: Friday is the last day to vote for SXSW panels so I’d love if you could take a minute to review our submission, register and give us a thumbs up. Here are the details I posted on Facebook:
Work/Life/Baby… first things first, no this is *not* a pregnancy announcement. This year will be my 6th time attending SXSW Interactive Conference. My good friend, conference traveling buddy, who also is a new mom Tiffany Monhollon and I decided we wanted to propose a topic we haven’t seen discussed much in the tech space. We have so many friends both male and female currently (or planning to) figuring out how to balance traveling for jobs, child care, school events, maternity/paternity leave and any number of other spontaneous being a working parent challenges. So here’s my two-fold request –
(1) if you could take a moment to register and vote for our panel that would be a huge help http://panelpicker.sxsw.com/vote/23215
(2) if you have any resources, personal experiences or other info you’d like to share on the topic please send along! We both have been reading, bookmarking and keeping notes to make the discussion very thorough.
Things I’ve been loving lately around the web
- DIY Spray Painted Vinyl Chair // little green notebook // pinterest
- Make the trip: I always enjoy @gracekboyle‘s post, but I particularly heart this one // small hands big ideas
- Adorable printable recipe cards that look handwritten // how about orange // pin
- 100+ Staycation ideas // Dating Divas // pin
- A list of the top 100 tags on Instagram // webstagram
- this quote // lifehack
- The Power of Support / quick + worth while read // sam davidson
- video of the day account on Instagram // @videooftheday
- 10 Devices for Under $100 That You Didn’t Know You Needed // dumb little man
- How Many Lipsticks Does One Girl Need? // Birchbox’s Youtube
Avoiding Cabin Fever

While I’ve been stuck at home I’ve watched entirely too much TV (Suits, Orange is the New Black, Do No Harm, Mistresses and more), read two books, Inbox Zero’d my work email and my personal email (still working on the genpink address), been organizing personal and client Pinterest accounts, watched a crazy amount of beauty tutorials on Youtube, and as I mentioned before caught up with my favorite blogs. Have any recommended shows, movies, books, blogs or Youtube channels I should check out?
Hope you feel better!!!
Thanks for the link love :) And hope you heal soon!