Snackin’ at work

Many of us have jobs where we sit in front of a computer for 6-8 hours a day. It’s tempting to reach for a bag of greasy potato chips or a sugary chocolate snack and eat more than intended. There are alternatives for snacks to eat that won’t leave behind all the calories and still leave you feeling full.

Peanut Butter

If you’re not allergic to peanut butter, this tasty snack is sure to fill you up. The best thing about peanut butter is that it can be mixed with a lot of different foods. Some ideas for filling, low-fat snacks are PBJ sandwiches (choose wheat or whole-grain bread) and using peanut butter as a dip for veggies and fruit. Also, opt for the low-fat jar of peanut butter.

Fruit Salad

There are so many types of fruits, so it’s fairly simple to toss it all in a salad. The selections are endless. Pick out a few of your favorite fruits, and mix it in a bowl. Easy as 1, 2, 3! Keep an eye out for seasonal fruits such as strawberries, melons and cherries.  A cup of yogurt on the side would make a great addition to this snack.

Mixed Nuts

Almonds and cashews are great snacks to munch on, unsalted of course. Nuts have lots of protein and fiber. Wondering how much to eat? About one handful would serve an ideal proportion daily.

One thought on “Snackin’ at work”

  1. I love peanut butter as a snack, but I try to grab an organic/natural one with limited ingredients instead of a low-fat one, which usually adds sugar and other junk ingredients to make up for the missing fat.

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