First, let me just say yippie I made my first podcast! Did I mention I’m a little quirky and get excited by very odd things? So, the topic of my first podcast and this post is tooting your own horn. My intention with podcasting is to have it be a supplement to my blog and also to make sure that I don’t repeat myself. So in an ideal world my podcast listeners would also read the blog posts and vice versa but I will make sure that each entity stands alone.
I did a little googleage of the idea of tooting your own horn and turns out there are quite a few books on the topic. The one that comes up immediately is Brag!: The Art of Tooting Your Own Horn without Blowing It by Peggy Klaus. No offense to Peggy but I’ve got about 800 books on my to read list (I mean listen to) so I don’t think this one will make it. But I did find some interesting questions that spark some creativity in learning how to self-promote. The book’s *cough* broken *cough* website has 12 Self-Evaluation Questions that are quite intriguing. My favorite question is “What obstacles have you overcome to get where you are today, both professionally and personally, and what essential lessons have you learned from some of your mistakes?”. That is a serious thought provoking question.
My thoughts on self promotion/tooting your own horn:
- Don’t Be Shy: It’s a must
- Be tasteful
- People are actually interested to hear these things about each other
- Only brag about things that are braggable
- Listen & pay attention to know when enough is enough
What do you guys think?
*On a side-note yet related topic you can subscribe to my podcast for future episodes (and to hear this one) via iTunes or RSS. After listening to my first draft I realize I talk a bit too fast so I’ll slow it down next time. Also I sound like a big dork, but this is no secret to people who actually know me.
{update: yeah the podcast thing didn’t really last for me. perhaps I’ll pick it back up one day}
Photo via Pixabay.
Congrats on the first podcast – I enjoyed it! I might be too good at tooting my own horn… maybe you could talk about that next ;)
Hi there!!
I loved your podcast. You didn’t sound dorky. And the whole topic is really interesting, because when you posted about this a few weeks/month ago, I thought about it and I went through and changed my profiles to be more positive and all about what I want to do and what I can do. That confidence I think has paid off, I’ve been getting more and more photography and freelance jobs and it’s been amazing!!
Your right, you have to be selective, but I think you really hit the nail on the head here about having confidence and not being afraid to show what we are doing. Especially us, as visual artists, it’s how we prove we can do it, by SHOWING the final products!
Good job on the podcast!! I love how your voice sounded, very entertaining and informative!:o)
Great pod-cast! I really enjoyed it the topic, and you sounded great as well. Well done!