Thanks to Katydid Collection for partnering with us on this post!
I know some girls, particularly those who love fashion, are known for being overpackers. I learned the art of lean packing from my mom. There are a few transferable tips, but for the most part being a lean packer requires practice and self-discipline.
A few weeks ago I took a work slash fun trip to Los Angeles area. The agenda for the weekend was fun and sun, while Monday and Tuesday were dedicated to office time, strategizing and a meeting-of-the-minds. I wanted to pack items that fit both worlds.
One of the key points in lean packing is seeing how different items can work together throughout different parts of the trip.
Travel Tip #1: Pick a color scheme when packing
Have I lost you already? I’m not saying everything in your suitcase needs to be monochromatic. The idea is to pack items that complement each other’s colors. This accomplishes two things: 1) you can repeat shoes (gasp!) 2) a few accessories will transition outfits throughout your trip.
For this particular trip, I opted for uber-summer BAHRIGHT colors. California is perpetually summer in my mind, but I knew beach visits warranted some of my favorite bright patterns. The first addition to my suitcase (after trying it on and taking an instagram moment of course) was this fab and flowy tank from Katydid Collection. It also comes in coral, which I’m currently coveting. During my packing adventures I also realized my nails matched the shirt. Oh hai, girl brain.
In addition to this tank, since I was going with bright colors I also packed Texas Women’s Tank in teal and Palazzo Pants (both from Katydid – pictured above) and a hot pink tank I got from Sevenly a number of years ago.
I also like to lay out each outfit with ALL of the parts to see if there’s anything I can wear more than once. (photos below)
Travel Tip #2: Think about in-flight entertainment
I read Gone Girl on my Kindle to and from California. Have you read that book?! SO UM, I JUST I dunno.
Travel Tip #3: Prepare (your skincare essentials) for arrival
If you’re getting to your destination late, consider setting aside a super easy nighttime routine. I don’t know about you, but airplanes might very well be the cure to my insomnia. We landed LATE Friday night, so I was quite glad that I had my face wipes, contact solution and face cream in the top of my suitcase. Have you tried Yes to Cucumbers Face Wipes? You MUST! Especially during the summer.
Travel Tip #4: Go lean with the makeup
I can’t even begin to guess how many colors of lip products I have in my current makeup collect. One of the advantages of sticking with a color scheme for the clothing you pack is the fact that you should need very minimal makeup to complete your look. I learned a few trips ago I’d rather take one fabulous lip product with me in my carry-on than risk losing multiples of my favorites.
Here’s all of the makeup I put on for our first day on the beach.

Travel Tip #5: Pack Comfy Shoes
I wrote an entire post about travel accessories and why comfy shoes are on the top of the list. The short version, during my travel adventures there are entirely too many things to do, see and visit to worry about feet hurting.
Day 1 in Santa Monica we walked 7 miles around the beach, starting at the Farmers’ Market, stopping by Santa Monica Pier, with lots of shopping in between. (also pictured: my mama’s foot)

Travel Tip #6: Bring layers
You may have noticed in the picture above that I have my pink cardigan hanging over my purse. For this five day trip I packed two cardigan/jackety things that matched all of my outfits. I like to pack outer layers that are easy to carry around. The coasts in particular can have major temperature swings as soon as the sun sets. I was quite glad to have an extra layer to put on as the sun was setting.

Here I am on day 2 with the other jacket I brought hanging from my bag.

Travel Tip #7: Think about Day-to-Night Outfits
Consider how your outfits will transition from day to night. While some may opt to stop back by the hotel for a whole new look, my travel days are usually jam packed. On our second day in Santa Monica we spent most of the day at The Getty but I knew we were heading to a food and wine event in the evening. So, I opted for dark jeans and bright (also comfy) shoes to go with my Katydid tank. And speaking of DAY, I am sooo glad I had this shirt on as we walked around the grounds of The Getty all day. It’s so light and breezy. I did have one quasi-Marilyn Monroe moment if that gives you an idea of just how flowy this tank is.
tank: KatyDid Collection (c/o); jeans: Forever 21 Skinny; shoes: Clarks; glasses: Coastal
Travel Tip #8: Texas Pride
Okay, this tip is probably not relevant to 87% percent of you. But, I like to wear Texas items when I’m in other states. For this trip I decided my all-day-office meeting attire would be Katydid Texas tank, jeans and boots for day (and pink flats for night).
*little fashion blogger shaming here: my meetings on the days I wore this started at 7:30 am so I forgot to take a picture wearing this! For shame. I’ll instagram it next time I’m wearing it.
Travel Tip #9: Wear comfy, yet stylish on travel days
Have you read this post: Airplane passengers as explained by their pants? Although it may be tempting to wear yoga pants (or even PJs) so you’ll be comfy, people like Sir. Timothy McSweeney will be judging you. But seriously, I find the whole airport experience is a little bit better when I feel put together on my flying days. Don’t get me wrong, this does NOT mean wear skinny jeans. I’m the type that likes to fold my legs up under me in an airplane seat so I need comfy pants. And since we already establishes pjs were out, I went for the next best thing – Palazzo! If you don’t have a pair, you should get some. You are, of course, welcome to wear them with heels. But that would be breaking my rule about comfy shoes. I also wonder why women ever opt to treck through airports in high heels. To each their own.
*disclaimer 2.0: see the lack of photo self shaming above and replace the early morning start with wine flu. Happens to the best of us! (Also, this is why it helps that tip 1 includes laying out all of the pieces. I hate when I put a fun outfit together and then can’t remember what accessories I liked with it!)
Tell me about your travel essentials!
Thanks to Katydid Collection for partnering with us on this post!
More about Katydid Collection :: Web :: Facebook :: Pinterest
Great tips!! I need to find a good crossbody bag for travels!
stephaniedrenka a small cross-body is so convenient for those of us who don’t need to carry around a lot of stuff!
Love this! I’m pretty good about layering and mixing and matching but picking a color scheme would make my life WAY easier! I’m traveling in September so I will definitely be keeping these tips in mind :)
<a href=”http://www.yourlinkhere.com/”>I’m Getting There</a>
Such great tips. I am in love with those pink loafers — they look perfect paired with that Katydid Tank!
Totally do the same – I color-coordinate to make sure I could wear the same shoes/bag/jewelry for multiple outfits. Love that Katydid flowy top on you, by the way! :)